Adding Past Sessions

This feature allows users to add past events (e.g. sessions) and data to a learner's timeline and graphs. 


The ability to edit and delete past session data is a powerful permission so only owners have the permission by default. To permit other roles permission, you will need to manually change a role's permission to enable revising past data. 

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Create a past session

If you need to add multiple sessions, ALWAYS ADD THE SESSION IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! This allows the data to progress through phases correctly instead of adding multiple phase lines on the graph. 

First, go to the learner's timeline and click on the icon that says "+ Past Session". Then you need to choose the session type. This allows the system to know which targets to populate (e.g. Session, Daily or custom session types like School, Speech, Home).

Choose the correct date and time of the session and click add. This adds an empty session to the timeline.  Now, you will need to add data into the session. 

Adding data to the session

To add data, click on the "Edit Data" icon.  When it's on, there will be a white dot to the right of the icon. Then click " + Add Unexercised Targets" to select the programs and targets you would like to add. 


Clicking on the "+ Add Unexercised Targets" will open a popup with all available programs you can add. 

Select the program that contains the targets you wish to add. Click on the target, then the phase (if you need to transition to a new phase, click on transition), then click "+ data". Then fill out the data form that pops up. Repeat for each opportunity.

Here are things to keep in mind when you are adding data in the past. 

  • The pop-up will show all programs, sets, phases, and targets and the state they were in for the session you are creating in the past. The program could be mastered or deactivated and it would still show up. This allows you to add sessions before programs were mastered or deactivated. 
  • You can only enter one opportunity (trial) at a time. 
  • Graphs will be updated with your new data automatically
  • You can choose to time stamp the opportunity if it's important. 
  • The data will have no effect on past transitions (for example, if mastery criteria are disrupted with the new data, it won't "unmaster" the program. You will need to manually do this if you want to transition to a previous state or phase.)


Last Reviewed: 4/25/23