Aloha Integration: Linking and Unlinking Notes

Sometimes a staff member may forget to select their appointment when creating a note.  This will prevent that note from linking to the corresponding appointment in Aloha ABA.  Luckily, you can manually link (and unlink) appointments as needed.


Each staff member is able to see their own appointments in Motivity.  That means they can also link and unlink their own appointments as needed.  

If you would like an administrative role to have access to all staff member and learner appointments, turn on the following appointments:

  • View Calendar
  • View Member Calendars

View Calendar is found in the Learner permissions and allows a role to see a learner's appointments on that learner's profile.  You can limit this permission to "if on team" or expand it to "all learners".


View Member Calendars is found in the Members permissions and allows a role to link and unlink notes for any member.  This permission cannot be limited so once it is turned on, that role can link and unlink notes for all Members. 

The View Calendar and View Member Calendars permissions are independent of each other so you can leave one off while the other is on and vice versa.


Link Appt- only visible if a note is not currently linked to an appointment. 

Appt - only visible if a note is currently linked to an appointment. 

Green - the note is linked to an appointment and appointment and session note times match.

Yellow - the note is linked to an appointment and the times do not match.

Red - the note is linked to an appointment that is now deleted or canceled in Aloha.

Linking Notes

Link a note by doing the following:

  • Select the note
    • It must be unsigned in order to link to an appointment
  • Click the Link Note icon in the top-right corner
  • If an appointment exists for the date of the note, it will display all appointment options available to you
  • Select the appointment to which you want the note linked
  • You can scroll back and forth and use the calendar icon to select a different appointment date

Unlinking Notes

Unlink a note by doing the following:

  • Select the note
    • It must be unsigned in order to unlink from an appointment
  • Click the Appt icon in the top-right corner
  • This will show you basic appointment details and the option to Unlink
  • Select the Unlink button
  • The session note is now a "stand-alone note"


Mismatched Times

If your session note and your appointment have different times, you will see this popup notification:

  • Click "Use Appointment Times" to use the time that was originally scheduled for your appointment. Clicking this will change the note time to match the appointment.
  • Click "Use Note Time" to use the time that was typed into the note. This will change your appointment time to match the time written in your note.

Revise Time 

  • If at any point you need to revise the time of the note and the appointment, you can click "Revise Time" in the top right corner.
  • An example of when you might use this would be when you have created your note, linked it to the appointment, and the session ends earlier than expected. Say the appointment is scheduled from 9-12 and the client's caregiver picks them up at 11:30--you would click "Revise Time" and type in the new end time. This will change the end time on the note and also push that change to the appointment.




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