- Clinical
- Integrations
- Aloha Integration
Aloha Integration Step 1: Initiate Integration
Initial Set Up
*Note: You can read through the article or watch the video at the end of the article.*
- Reach out to your Aloha ABA customer support rep via email
- Let them know you are ready to activate integration with Motivity and send them your Motivity ID
- To access your Motivity ID:
- Log into Motivity
- Click on the name of your org
- Go to the URL
- Copy the text after the last forward slash (this is the Motivity ID)
They will email you once they have activated the integration feature.
Now, you will need to approve integration through Motivity.
To do so:
- Log into Motivity
- Click on Organization->Settings->Integrations->Aloha ABA->Approve
- If you are currently logged into Aloha ABA, log out and log back in
- Motivity will now appear in Aloha ABA's Clinical Integrations section
Last updated: 9/14/23