1. Clinical
  2. Session Notes
  3. Writing Learner Session Notes

Cloning a Note

In Motivity, it is possible to clone a past note. For a member to clone a note, their role permissions must allow them to do so. "Clone notes" is a separate permission. You can further discern which types of notes members with the role can clone.


To clone a note, navigate to the past note you would like to clone. You will see a "Clone Note" icon in the upper right corner of the note. 

Once you click "Clone Note," you will have the same options that you see when creating a new note. 

You can link the new note to an appointment, or you can enter the start/end time or start/end date for the note.


Text from text boxes and text lines, as well as the radio button, checkbox, and dropdown selections from the original note will copy to the new note. Any imported fields will import the current information from the learner and member profiles. For example, if a client's insurance information has changed in their profile since the original note was signed, the updated information will be imported into the new note. If your note has target imports, the data from the new timeframe will be imported into the note. Any signatures will not be copied to the new note.