Closing Sessions

In order to close out a session or data collection period, the user must click on the square icon. It's very important for users who start sessions, to remember to close them at the appropriate time. Not closing a session can skew rate data that is calculated and graphed by rate/hour.  

A pop-up will appear that allows the user to indicate whether rate behaviors that have no data were not tracked or have zero occurrences. If the user indicates that data was not tracked, then no data will be charted on the graph for that session. If they indicate zero occurrences then a 0 data point will be charted for that session. 


The user can indicate "Zero Occurrences" or "Not Tracked" for all rate targets or specify individually as seen below.


The pop-up also allows them to indicate when the session ended. Options for the end time include: 

1. Expected - the time you typed in at the beginning of the session

2. Now - the time you clicked the stop botton

3. Other - you can type in another start time, end time, or end date, the end time can not be before the last data point was collected.


Last Edited: 9/1/22