Viewing Multiple Targets on One Graph

If you want to view multiple targets on the same graph, you can use Motivity's comparison chart feature.

To set up a comparison graph, navigate to the first target that you would like included on the graph.

Click on the target graph, and then click on "+ Save" in the top right corner. You will then name your saved graph, and then click "Save Current Settings"

After naming the graph and saving the current settings, you will see "Saved Charts" below the graph.

If you select "Saved Charts", you will see all of the graph configurations that have been saved for this target, including the one you just created. Below the graph, you will see an option to add comparison targets ("Comparison").

You can select up to 9 additional targets to compare with the original target (Dropping to Floor, in this case). Here, I am selecting Crying Duration:

Now, in this saved version of this graph, I can compare the two targets "Dropping to floor" and "Crying Duration."  As you can see, the graph now has two Y-axes--one showing time, and one showing count.

To download and print this graph, select the hamburger menu next to the date range in the top right corner of the graph:


Note: To create and edit saved charts, a member must be assigned to a role that has the following permission turned on:


Motivity Tip: You can use this feature in a variety of clinical contexts such as:

  • Comparing the same behavior across different environments or contexts
  • Comparing conditions in an FBA
  • Comparing the acquisition of a skill with the occurrence of an interfering behavior 
  • and many more!