#daily #playlist

When creating session types, you can use the #daily and #playlist shortcuts together or individually to improve data collection for your users. 



The #daily shortcut will automatically set data for the specified phase or target to be collected throughout the day, rather than having to start and end a session to collect data. This is most commonly used for parent data collection to make accessing data collection easier and more streamlined. 



The #playlist shortcut will put the specified phase or target into a playlist type session that requires special permission to view. This means that those who do not have permission will not be able to view targets in this session type.

For example, you can use the #playlist so only parents can collect data on a specific target and other staff cannot collect data on those targets.  


How to use #daily and #playlist shortcuts

We will go through how to use both of these shortcuts to set up a program for parent data collection. Although these instructions are for a parent data collection example, they can also be applied to any number of situations where you want to use these shortcuts. 

Additionally, in this example, both shortcuts will be used; however they can be used separately (e.g., you can only use the #playlist option if that is what is best for your situation). 


1. Set up the parent role to specify the session name. The session name must include the shortcut you wish to use.

Here we have specified that parents can take data only for sessions named: "Parent Data #daily #playlist" 


2. Create/find the program you wish to be included for parent data collection. You will set up the program as you normally would.

3. While editing, for each phase of each target click on "Properties" and under "Session type" enter the same session name you entered in step 1. 

Motivity tip: You can copy the name of the session with the shortcuts from the role and paste into the program properties. The name in the program must be exactly the same as in the role settings for shortcuts and permissions to work together appropriately. 

Motivity tip 2: We recommend creating a local or global parameter for session type names! This will save you time when changing session types and ensures they are consistently and appropriately named. 


4. Repeat step 3 for EVERY phase and EVERY target in the program that you want parents to take data on. 

5. Don't forget to update your program! 


When parents enter to take data, this will be their view: 

You will notice, they do not have to start a session (this is the #daily component) and no one else with permission to see this program will be able to take data (this is the #playlist component). 


Some things to consider

When considering if it is best to use a #playlist shortcut, note that if you want a role to have permission to see BOTH regular non-playlist and playlist session types, you will need to do one of the two options: 

1. Specify for the role ALL potential session types will need to be specified in that role's setup. 

or 2. Assign members a second role that includes the #playlist permission. 

For example: If we wanted our clinical supervisors to see the parent data session type, we can also assign them the "Parent" role. This will allow supervisors to see all the non-playlist types (specified in their clinical supervisor role) and the playlist session type (specified in the parent role). Just remember, to assign them to the appropriate learners (if required in the 2nd role). 

Note: If you have been assigned the "Owner" role, you are able to see all session types regardless of playlist or non-playlist 

Created: 4/25/2023