Defining Dosage (Set suggested number of opportunities/trials)

As you create your targets, you may want to specify how many trials of a target should be run during a session.  You can set up your dosage in four ways. 

1. Maximum Number Opportunities

2. Suggested Number Opportunities

3. Minimum Number Opportunities

4. Exact Number of Opportunities


Maximum Number of Opportunities

This limits the number of opportunities that can be collected (e.g. can only collect 5 trials/opportunities per target in each session). To set this up: click on the relevant phase and scroll down until you see "Dosage".  This feature is located under "Exercise" and above "Target Interface."  Click on the chevron sign (arrow) next to "Dosage" and you will see two parameters.  One says "Maximum", the other says "Suggested".  The default setting for both of these is "Automatic".  This means that the system will decide on a dosage rule depending on what your session success criteria is.  

To set a maximum amount of trials, click the chevron next to "Automatic" and select "Manual".  Define the maximum amount of trials for a target by typing in a number. 

Suggested Number of Opportunities

This allows you to display a number of opportunity squares in data collection to indicate the suggested number of trials/opportunities that you would like to have collected but it does not require them. If you would like to have a suggested amount of trials (i.e. suggest to your team how many times they should run a certain target), select the chevron next to "Suggested" and select "Manual".  Input a number that reflects how many trials you prefer your team to run during a session.  If a team member does not meet the suggested amount of trials, their data will still be graphed, however, the data point will not be counted towards mastery.


Minimum Number of Opportunities

This requires the data collector to collect a minimum number of trials for the session score to succeed or fail. If they don't collect the minimum number, the session outcome will be indeterminant and will graph the score but display as a black data point rather than green (succeed) or red (fail), and the data will not count towards mastery/transition. With this configuration, it will still allow them to collect more than minimum opportunities and those opportunities will contribute to the session outcome. 

You set this up in you Session Outcome section of the program builder by selecting the rule that says "at least X trials" 

Exact Number of Opportunities

This requires the data collector to collect an exact number of opportunities/trials and no more. If they collect less, the session outcome will be indeterminant. It will still appear on the graph but will display as a black data point rather than green (succeed) or red (fail) and the data will not count towards mastery/transition. 

You set this up in Session Outcomes as well by using Advanced Rules and changing the rule to display exactly X opportunities. 


Last Reviewed: 9/8/22