Deleting and Merging Phases

Deleting Phases

If you accidentally created a phase that needs deleting, do the following:

  1. Click on the target's graph.
  2. Click on "Edit Data" found in the upper right corner.
  3. Scroll through the raw data until you have found the phase.
  4. Click the chevron arrow next to the phase.
  5. Select the trash can icon.
  6. Select "Delete".

Please note, if there are data points that are graphed after the phase change line, they WILL BE DELETED along with the phase.  Do not delete a phase unless there are no data attached to it. 


Merging Phases

If you need to merge phases together, do the following:

  1. Click on the target's graph.
  2. Scroll down through the raw data until you find the two phases.  (Note:  You can only merge like phases!)
  3. Click on the chevron arrow next to the transition.
  4. Select the trash can icon.
  5. Select "Merge Data".
  6. Select "Confirm".

This will merge the two like phases into a single phase and will maintain any and all data associated with those phases.

Last Reviewed: 9/7/22