Disappearing Data and Connectivity Issues

Connection to the Motivity servers is paramount when it comes to saving data and providing immediate updates.  Data on the device typically syncs with the server in under a second. Under a heavy load, it may take up to a few seconds.  If your device becomes disconnected from the Motivity servers, your data may be at risk of not being saved.  If Motivity feels slow or if your data do not record, check the bar at the top of the screen to verify that you are connected.


Here is what the bar at the top of the screen is telling you:

    • (1) Solid green bar
      • The device is connected to our servers
      • The data are saved and synchronized

    • (2) Green bar with moving diagonal stripes and/or one or more dots (possibly preceded by a number) in the upper right corner of the bar
      • The data are still synchronizing and are not yet saved


    • (3) Red bar with moving diagonal stripes and/or dots and numbers in the upper right corner
      • The device is offline 
      • There are data on the device that cannot be synchronized because the device is not connected to our servers.

    • (4) Blue bar with moving diagonal stripes and/or dots and numbers in the upper right corner
      • The device is connecting to our servers
      • There are data on the device that cannot be synchronized because the device is not connected to our servers.


IMPORTANT: if the application gets disconnected before the data have been synchronized, the user must reconnect the device to Motivity servers within 2 minutes in order for the pending data to be synchronized. After two minutes the data are considered stale and dropped.

In Summary:

  • Data are synced almost instantaneously
  • If they aren't, the user should wait until the green bar is solid green and there are no numbers/dots in the upper right corner of the bar before:
    • putting the device to sleep (which will drop the network connection)- or -
    • switching networks (which will also disconnect the device)
  • If the above is not possible, the user should attempt to reconnect the device to the network within 2 minutes.
  • Input data will not be saved if the device is not connected to our servers:
    • Red bar = offline
    • Blue bar = connecting
    • Green bar with stripes = still synchronizing

Last Reviewed 8/31/22