
What are Domains and Subdomains in Motivity?

Motivity has introduced a new way to categorize programs and organize progress reports called "Domains. Domains are a hierarchical categorization of the types of behavior the practitioner tries to affect in a learner through behavior therapy. Lower levels in the hierarchy define more specifics about the area of behavior that is being affected. An example of a domain is “Communication” and its subdomains can be, among others, “Expressive”, “Reflective”, and “Written”.

Domain categorization is useful for treatment planning and program structure and helps the practitioner organize their approach to teaching a learner. Further, domains are required information in payor reports by many payors.

Motivity’s Domains and Subdomains are pre-populated into your account with the most commonly used in the industry. We curated this list based on standard assessments, the programs our users created, and with input from our amazing user base. 

Now Motivity users can tell at a glance if a program is meant for teaching communication or motor skills. Moreover, you are able to structure your progress reports so that all (for example) daily living programs are grouped together, and kept separate from behavior reduction goals. This lets you structure the narrative any way you want to while still making the payors happy!

How are Domains & Subdomains used in Motivity?

Domains and Subdomains are used in two main areas of Motivity:  First for categorizing and classifying programs, then for structuring progress reports by domains/subdomains.

Categorizing Programs by Domain or Subdomain

To assign a program to a domain or subdomain simply view the program either in a library or in a learner’s curriculum. In the program menu, you’ll see a new option for Domains.  

Launch the domain picker and assign a domain or subdomain just like you would a label. Start typing to search for a domain or subdomain or press the down chevron to pick it from the list. Once assigned, the domain will appear in the program card right above the labels.

Programs can be assigned to either a Domain if it’s something general for that domain, or to a domain and subdomain if it’s related to a specific skill set within the domain.

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Structuring Progress Reports

We know that you need to be able to tell the narrative of your Learner’s progress in many different ways.  Sometimes you need to group skills together and sometimes not.  Motivity’s reports builder lets you choose exact programs and targets, what to include, and how to organize them. 

Domains and Subdomains can be chosen as an organizational option in reports. 

To group reports by Domain select the Group by Domain option in the Target import. This will create a section in the report for each domain in the Learner’s curriculum. Programs assigned to those domains will be listed in their respective sections.

You can further group programs by choosing to Group by Subdomain. Similarly, this will create sections for each subdomain and include programs assigned to those subdomains.

These two options do not have to be used together. You can choose to use one or the other or both.  You are not required to group by domain in order to group by subdomain. You can choose to just use subdomains if that’s what’s needed for your report. 

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Do Domains Replace Labels?

Not at all! Domains and labels can be used together to further categorize and organize your programs. 

What are the Default Domains and Subdomains in Motivity?

Domain Subdomains
Behavior Goals 
  • Behaviors for Decrease
  • Replacement Behaviors 
  • Externalizing 
  • Internalizing 
  • Play and Leisure Skills 
  • Coping Skills 
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Group Skills/Interaction
  • Receptive
  • Expressive
  • Written 
Daily Living
  • Personal/Self Care
  • Health and Safety
  • Domestic
  • Community Participation 
  • School Skills
  • Vocational 
Cognitive/Executive Functioning 
  • Self-Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Social/Emotional
Motor Skills 
  • Fine Motor 
  • Gross Motor 
  • Motor Imitation
Foundational Learning Skills
  • Reinforcer Effectiveness 
  • Spontaneous Vocalization
  • Imitation
  • Cooperation
Academic Skills
  • Pre-Academic Skills
  • Math
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Science
Parent/Caregiver Goals 
  • General


Will we be able to Customize Domains?

Yes, soon! Our initial release includes Motivity’s well-curated, ABA focused, list of domains and subdomains; however, we have great plans for these.  We plan to provide the ability to create your own subdomains specific to your needs, hide domains and subdomains that aren’t part of your offering, select colors for your domains and subdomains similar to labels, and much more. Stay tuned for more on this in the near future.

What About Other Specialties?

While we chose to focus on ABA to begin with, it was just the first step.  We know that other specialties think about skill sets differently and teach differently.  We plan on expanding our domains list into SLP and OT, just to name a few.