1. Clinical
  2. Session Notes
  3. Session Note Approval Workflow

Drawn Signatures

When signing notes, you have the option to either type or draw a signature. You can indicate which type you want in the Approval Workflow of the note editor. This article will show you how to set up and collect drawn signatures. 

You will set your signature type in the "Approval Workflow" section of the note editor. It is located at the very bottom of the editor page. 



Within the Approval Workflow section, check the "Must draw signature" box under the "When signing note:" section. You will also need to check the "Must draw signature to submit signatures" for each of the approval or statement steps in your note template. (E.g., if you have your workflow set up to require a parent signature after the session, and approval processes for clinical and billing -  you will need to check the draw signature box for the parent signature statement, clinical approval, and billing approval steps.) 



To sign a note with a drawn signature, make sure all required fields are completed and click on "Sign". When you click into the signature box, it will bring up a second box. You can use your finger to sign on a touchscreen or draw a signature with a mouse/trackpad while holding down the left mouse button. To complete the signature, click on "Done". 

After you have signed your note using a drawn signature, it will appear at the bottom of the note as seen below with the date and time on the bottom. 


Last updated 7/26/22