Edit a Learner Profile

To edit or add to a learner profile, from the organization's home screen select learners -> then select the learner you want to edit. Click on "Profile" and then click on "Edit". 

Once you are done editing, be sure to hit the "Save" button to save changes. 


The learner profile has the following fields. Many of these fields can be pulled into the session notes and reports as "imported fields." Imported fields will pull the information from the learner's profile into the note or report automatically. To add these fields to a note template, please refer to this article: Adding Learner, Member, and Organization Profile Information into a Note Template


Current learner profile fields include: 

Note: Fields that can be added to note templates are bolded

  • Name fields - Include preferred, prefix, first, middle, last, and suffix lines
  • Notes
    • This section can include information specific to the learner you want others to have access to, including links to behavior plans or other relevant external files that are housed on the internet. 
  • Background
  • Learner type (patient, staff, caregiver, etc.) 
  • Gender 
  • Date of birth 
  • Social Security Number 
  • Learner ID 
  • Client Code 
  • Learner Id Secondary 
  • Diagnosis Code
    • Dropdown options for various diagnosis codes. If you do not see the diagnosis codes you need, please reach out to your CSC to request these codes be added. 
  • Additional Diagnosis Information (Text Box)
  • Authorized Case Supervisor 
  • Initial Diagnosis  Provider 
  • Date of Initial Assessment 
  • Treatment Start Date 
  • Policy Number 
  • Group Number 
  • Member Number 
  • Payors 
  • Email 
  • Phone 
  • Parent/Guardian 
    • This section includes the option to add parent/guardian name, DOB, gender, relationship, phone number, email, and mailing address 
  • Learner address 

Last updated: 8/5/24