1. Clinical
  2. Getting Started
  3. Setting Up an Organization

Edit a Member Profile

To edit or add to a member profile, from the organization's home screen select "Members" -> then select the member you want to edit. Click on the three dots and click "Edit"

Once you are done editing, be sure to hit the "Save" button to save changes. 

The member profile has the following fields. Several of these fields can auto-populate into session notes and reports as "imported fields". Imported fields will pull the information from the member's profile directly into their session notes and reports when the note template is configured to do so. To add these fields to a note template, please refer to this article: Adding Learner, Member, and Organization Profile Information into a Note Template


Current member profile fields include: 

Note: Fields that can be added to note templates are bolded

  • Name fields - Include preferred, prefix, first, middle, last, and suffix lines
  • Job Title 
  • Member Type - staff, caregiver, etc.
  • Date of birth 
  • Member Id
  • Member Id Secondary
  • Email 
  • Phone (mobile)
  • Phone (work) 
  • Credentials*
  • NPI
  • CAQH
  • Certification Number
  • License Number 
  • Address
  • Credentialed Payors

*Any credentials selected in a member's profile will be added to the end of their signature on any notes and reports they sign.

Updated: 12/5/23