Editing Programs and Managing Drafts


To edit a program, simply select the program in the program list and click "View/Edit" in the top corner. 


This will open a read-only view of the program. To open the program for editing, click on the blue bar across the top of the screen. 


You can make edits to programs at any time. When you open a program for editing, you create a new draft of the program. This draft is not visible to anyone but you until you click update. 

When you exit the editor, it's important to understand that if you want your draft to be public (the changes push to other users) you must click "update". 

If you want to discard your edits, click the trash icon that says "discard". Those edits will be discarded/ removed. 

If you want to save your draft, you don't need to do anything. Your draft is automatically saved. To exit the editor, you simply click the X in the top right corner. 

You will see a draft icon under your program until the draft is updated or discarded. If you keep an open draft, you will see it in your Drafts card. 



It's dangerous to leave drafts open for a long time. If someone else makes important changes but then you update your draft, it will overwrite the other person's changes to the program. It's best practice to update or discard your drafts in a timely manner to avoid deleting other work. 

Last Updated: 8/10/23