Global & Local Parameters

There are two types of Parameters you can use in the program builder, 1) Local Parameters and 2) Global Parameters. 

Parameters allow the person building a program to link sections of that program to prebuilt rules and content. This allows them to build programs more efficiently and edit sections that are repeated across targets and phases and push all those changes to all targets and phases that are linked to that parameter. 

Local Parameters are parameters saved and linked within a program and only exist in that program or a copy of that program. Editing Local Parameters only affects the targets and phases in the program you are editing. Local Parameters are highlighted in green. 

Global Parameters are parameters that are available and linked across programs. Global Parameters allow admins to create frequently used program rules and content and put them in a drop-down menu for efficient program building. Editing a global parameter affects all programs that are linked to that Global Parameter. This allows admin to push program rules and changes across the entire library and learner's programs when needed. Global Parameters are highlighted in orange. 


Because editing global parameters affects all programs linked to global parameters, it is the best practice to only give permission to a small number of people in your organization to create and edit global parameters. Owners have permission automatically. 

Tip: You can give permission to edit Global Parameters in Roles. It is recommended to limit permission to only Owners or if needed, to one other role.  

When to use Global Parameters vs Local Parameters

Use Global Parameters for parts of programs that are frequently used across your organization. For example, if you use a specific vocal prompt hierarchy frequently in your data collection, you can create an Instrument Global Parameter and call it "vocal prompt hierarchy". Then this instrument parameter will be available in the drop-down menu for every program and can be selected rather than creating the instrument from scratch each time you need to use this prompt hierarchy. 

Tip: Be selective with the number of Global Parameters you create since each new Global Parameter will be listed in a drop-down menu for that section of the program builder. If it's not something you use often, keep it as a Local Parameter. 

*Creating Global Parameters. Once you have created the rule and content, you can make it into a Global Parameter if you have the permissions. If you don't have permission, talk to you your system administrator. To create the Global Parameter, Click on the "Options" button, and then click on "Link to Global" and click "New parameter" at the bottom of the list. 

Carefully name the Global Parameter so that it can be recognized across different programs by different users.

Tip: A good rule of thumb is to name it something that explains how the parameter makes the program behave (e.g. "Vocal Prompt Hierarchy", "5 consecutive days", "5 trials at 80% + initial trial"). Once you name it, click Link. Now you have created a Global Parameter. It will appear in all programs under that parameter by clicking on Options. 

Linking to Global Parameters. To link to an existing Global Parameter, simply select "Options", then "Link to Global" and select the parameter that best fits your program needs. 

*Editing Global Parameters. To edit Global Parameters, go to "Options" and "Edit" at the bottom of the list. If you don't see the "Edit" option, its' because you don't have permission to edit Global Parameters. Talk to your system administrator.

Tip: Editing Global Parameters should not be done often because it affects all the programs, targets, and phases that are linked to that parameter. 

When clicking "Edit", you can unlock the parameter for editing, rename the parameter, or demote the parameter to a Local Parameter. 

*Only Owners and roles given expressive permission can do these functions. If you don't see this function in your account, talk to your system administrator. 

Promoting a local parameter to a global: You can promote an existing local parameter to a global parameter if you have permissions to do so. Click on "Options", "Edit", then click on "Promote to New Global"

Last Reviewed: 9/8/22