Graph With Multiple Measures Not Graphing Correctly

When you have multiple measures but your target is not graphing correctly, there are a few areas to check: 

1. Affects outcome box 

Be sure that the "Affects outcome" box is selected for all measures that you want to be included in the graph. Ensure the box is unchecked for measures that are not included in the graph.


Note: You can only graph one type of instrument on a single graph.

For example, if you created a program for following two-step instructions and wanted to have a pass/fail measure for each instruction given, both measures could be included on one graph because they are both the same instrument type (pass/fail). 

However, if you also wanted to track the number of off-task behaviors with an integer instrument in the same target, you would need to uncheck the "Affects outcome" box for this measure because you cannot graph both integer and pass/fail measures simultaneously.

Another example is you cannot track the frequency and duration of a behavior on the same graph/within the same target.


2. Opportunity Outcome

You will also want to check the Opportunity Outcome section and ensure this section is set up correctly. The Opportunity Outcome section will tell the system how to combine all measures into one opportunity (or trial) score.

If you leave the "Opp. Score" as automatic, it will average the measure scores together; however, if you change to "Measure Scores" you can select from average, sum, minimum, and maximum.

3. Session Outcome:

You will also want to ensure that the Session Outcome is set up correctly. The Session Score section allows you to specify how you would like to combine all opportunities in the session into one data point (this is what will be graphed). You can choose between "Opportunity Success Rate" and "Opportunity Scores" 

Opportunity Success Rate: This option will calculate and graph the percent of successful opportunities as set up in your Opportunity Outcome section (i.e., successful opportunities/total opportunities X 100). 

Opportunity Scores: This option will allow you to choose from graphing the average, sum, minimum, and maximum. For example, if you selected "Sum" in this option, the graph for that session would be all measure scores added together. 

Important Tip! Changing Programs:

It should be noted that after you change your program to graph correctly, the graphs will NOT automatically update to the new settings.

To manually change these you will need to delete the original data (data that were following the old rules) and add data back by clicking on "Add unexercised targets" within the sessions on the timeline. 

Tip: You can write down the data before you delete it OR you can export it via the "export" button in the top right of the graph view. Make sure you have your data saved somewhere before deleting it! Reach out to your CSC if you need additional assistance with this.


Last updated: 3/13/24