- Clinical
- Building Programs
- Instruments
Instruments: How to Choose a Data Collection Type
This article describes how to choose different data collection types to match the recording and measuring needs of the program targets. In the program builder, click on a target to edit, under Target Interface, you can select an instrument. An Instrument is the data collection type or measure type you will use to take data for that target.

Here are the instruments you can choose from. Each measures and graphically displays the target data differently.
- Count (You can track the total occurrences or the rate of occurrences per hour)
- Custom Prompts (Use for prompt hierarchies or custom buttons with custom scores)
- Integer (A number or score)
- Pass-Fail (Percent Correct)
- Duration (Total Duration per session, Stopwatch, Manual or Fixed)
- Countdown Timer (just a tool to use for data collection)
- Text Input (text box for anecdotal or qualitative data)