Introduction to the Program Builder

This article will give a high-level overview of the program builder and all related concepts.  

This is currently a placeholder, not  yet written.

This article has the following sections:


Whenever data is collected in Motivity, it belongs to an "Opportunity", which is the basic container for all data in Motivity.  For a discrete trial target, an Opportunity typically corresponds to a single trial (comprised of a Pass-Fail instrument).  For a task analysis target, an Opportunity corresponds to the chain of steps being performed (comprised of a sequence of custom-prompt measures and a Done button).  For a behavior tracking target, an Opportunity corresponds to any number of increments of a Count instrument, possibly spread out over time, until the user presses the Done button to end the Opportunity and start a new one.  Behavior occurrences might be recorded in one session-long opportunity, or there could be multiple Opportunities if the user presses the Done button at various times throughout the session.  [THIS CAN BE MOVED TO PROGRAM BUILDER OVERVIEW]

Opportunity Start Time, End Time, and Duration

Every Opportunity has a start time (usually the timestamp of the first instrument reading) and an end time (e.g. when the Done button is pressed or when the Session ends).  Auto-advancing Opportunities are instantaneous: their Start and End times are the same.  By default, any Opportunity with a single instrument of type Pass-Fail or Custom-Prompt will be instantaneous.  Learn more about auto-advancing Opportunities in the Done Button section of the Target Interface article.

Every Opportunity has a duration (which can be zero if the Opportunity was instantaneous).  By default, the Opportunity duration is the end time minus the start time, but sometimes the Duration can be set ...