Learner Groups

As an admin of an organization, you may decide to organize your learners into groups based on clinic location or type of service (i.e. school, in-home, in-clinic, etc).  With learner groups, you can organize your learners in your system as you see fit. 

Do not add parents or third-party users to learner group! They will see all learners in that group. Only add parents/caregivers or third-party users to a learner team.


To create a learner group, go to the "Learner Group" tab (can be found under the organization dashboard).  

Click on "Learner Group" and then select "+ Learner Group" in the top-right corner.  Input a name for your group. 


To add a learner to your learner group, click on the learner tab within the group .  Then click on the "+ Learner" in the top right corner. Type in the learner's nickname and select them from the drop-down menu.  Learners can belong to multiple groups at the same time. You can add members in the same way by clicking on the "Team" tab in the learner group. 


You can remove a learner from a learner group by selecting the learner group, clicking on the learner and clicking on "Remove" button in the top right corner. 


To delete a group, click "Learner Groups" and then click on the three dots in the right-hand corner.  Select the trash can icon.  Note:  If you delete a learner group, it is permanently deleted!  It is not archived!  Confirm you are deleting the correct group before completing the action.

*Note: The features and layout of Motivity will be different in this video but the functions of learner groups are similar. 

Last Reviewed: 4/25/2023