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Managing Roles: Learner Permissions

Learner Permissions

This is where you assign what roles can view and edit learner information, programs and data. 


Should I limit my BTs/front-line staff data collection access to just learners they are assigned to? 

You will most likely have front-line staff collecting data and will need to decide if you want to allow this role to collect data only if they are on the team, or if they can take data on all learners. 

Customers tend to lean towards allowing line staff to view programs, view data, and collect data on all learners so that they can be fluid with their schedule. If someone that is not on their team, needs to sub on another learner, an admin would need to assign them to the learner's team before they have access to collecting data on that learner. This could add an additional step to providing a session for that learner.  

The risk with assigning staff to all learners is that they can access any learners' data and sessions even though they are not directly on their team. 

Should I let my BTs/front-line staff revise past data? 

This permission allows users to go into a closed session, and edit and add new data to the session. It also allows users to create a whole new session in the past and enter data into that session (also changing the graphs). Should you allow BTs to do this? That depends on how often BTs will need to go into a past session and make changes or if a BT needs to create a past session and manually enter all the data. This could happen for many reasons. 

  • They lose internet access and can't enter data.
  • They have an incident in the session that doesn't allow them to enter data into Motivity (problem behavior or other distraction) and they need to enter it after the session closes. 

It also depends on your admin support. Do you have someone who can take the time to enter past session data within a reasonable timeframe for the BT or do you need the BT to do it themselves? 

Who should I allow to set the Target States?

This permission allows a user to activate targets and manually transition targets between states (e.g. Not Introduced, Completed, On Hold, Deactivated) and phases (e.g. Baseline, Train, Assess, Maintain). Usually, this power is given to Supervisors but if you have a program that requires moving the target manually through different conditions manually in a program, you might give BTs permission to do this as well.