Manually change the state of Targets

There are multiple states a target can be in. 

Active states (target shows up in data collection or is waiting to show up in data collection but blocked by concurrency rules):

  • Train phases 
  • Assess 
  • Track (usually for Behavior Tracking)
  • Maintain

Inactive states (target doesn't show up in data collection)

  • Completed (Mastered)
  • Already Known
  • On Hold
  • Deactivated

These can automatically transition in and out of states based on your Session Outcome and Transition configurations OR you can manually transition targets into different states. 


You can do this in two different places, in Learner Programs and in data collection.

Manually Transition in Learner Programs

1) Go to the learner, then programs, select program, and scroll to see all targets. in the top right of each target card, is a label that identifies the current state and phase that the target is in. 

2) Click on the drop down and select the appropriate phase and state then click "Transition". This will move that target to the new phase/state. It will put a line on your graph indicating the transition. 

If you need to move multiple targets or a whole program into a new phase, refer to this article: Manually Transitioning Multiple Targets at Once


Manually Transition in Data Collection

In data collection, click on the three-dot menu on the far right of the target interface. Then click "Transition." Select the appropriate phase or state and click the "Transition" button. This will move that target to the new phase/state. It will put a line on your graph indicating the transition. 

Last Reviewed: 9/7/22