Pending Notes

If any session notes are awaiting signatures or approval, they will be moved to the "Pending Notes" tab in your organization's dashboard.  If you select this tab, it will show you all the notes that are missing signatures (or have not yet been signed), have been rejected, and are awaiting approval.


Filtering Notes

You will see that you can filter by "member," (note author), "group", "learner, and within a desired date range:



You can take care of the needs of each note by selecting the note and then selecting the "Sign", "Approve", or "Reject" buttons in the right-hand corner.


You can also see pending notes attached to a learner by going to the learner's profile and clicking on the Pending Notes tab in their dashboard. These can also be filtered as described above.


You can also see pending notes for all members of a learner group. To access this list, click on the learner group and then the Pending Notes tab. These can also be filtered as described above.



Last updated: 12/6/2023