This article describes how to use Phases within targets.
There are four Phase Types:
I Train The phase for targets in skill acquisition.
I Assess The phase for targets that are being assessed or tested.
I Track The phase for targets that have no success criteria and are just being observed and tracked (e.g. behavior targets).
I Maintain The phase for targets that have been in acquisition and now are on maintenance or generalization schedule.
How to use phases
Quickly Filter Targets. You can use the phase types to filter targets in data collection so you can quickly access targets in acquisition vs targets in maintenance vs targets for Behavior Tracking.
Customize Phase Types. You can also select to create custom phase types that fall under each of these main phase types. For example, you can select Custom (Assess) and create a Baseline or Probe phase.
Set up Transition Rules between different phase types. You can use phase types to show a target moving across different phases. Here are some examples of how to use phases.
- Target transitions across and between a Probe phase and Teaching phases based on Transition Criteria.
- Targets transition across Verbal Operant phases (e.g. Listener Responding, Tact, Intraverbal)
- Targets transition across prompt levels (Full Physical, Partial Physical, Gesture, Verbal, Independent). These phases are good for learners that need a lot of teaching trials at each prompt level and need prompts faded slowly and precisely.
Here is what a graph will look like with a target with multiple phases.