Program Builder Tour

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What is a Program?

A program is an intervention plan/protocol used to address a learner's hierarchical goals and/or behaviors consisting of 1) a user interface that includes instructions and instruments used to measure the application of the intervention and 2) a set of rules governing the automated assignment of goals and specifying their transition across phases and completion.


There are two types of programs in Motivity. 

1. Behavior Tracking - programs focused on tracking behaviors. In Motivity the targets are assigned a Track phase

2. Skill Acquisition - programs focused on teaching new behaviors. In Motivity the targets are assigned to Train, Assess, and/or Maintain. 


Programs can be built in two places. 

1) Directly to a learner (when the program will only ever be used for this learner)

2) In a library (when you want to save this program for possible future use with other learners)


How to open a program

To open a program builder for an existing program or template you simply select the program and click edit in the toolbar. 


To open the program builder for a new program in either the learner programs or library you simply click on +program in the toolbar. 


The parts of the program builder

Program Tree- where you organize the hierarchy of your goals and targets

Goal Configuration- set design the user interface, assign instruments to measure goals, and set rules that govern the transition and flow of targets and phases. 

Simulation- where you can freely test out what you have a built in safe environment before deploying to learners' active programs. 

Program Tree

Program Level 

Click on the program name to access the Goal Configuration panel at the program level. There are three main sections. 

Goal Description-  this is where you put the program's overall goal. 

Protocol- This is where you put the program's instructions and protocol.  

Concurrency-   is the setting that controls how many targets and sets are executed simultaneously, as well as how phase progression affects target order.



Click on the set (folder icon) to access the Goal Configuration panel at the set level. There are three main sections. 

Goal Description- (if needed) this is where you put the set goal (usually a short-term goal or objective from the program goal). 

Protocol- This is where you put the set's instructions and protocol (only if different from the program protocol).  

Concurrency-   is the setting that controls how many targets in this set are executed simultaneously, as well as how phase progression affects target order.

Skill Targets

Click on the target (target icon) to access the Goal Configuration panel at the target level. There are three main sections. 

Goal Description-  (if needed) this is where you put the target goal (usually a short-term goal or objective from the set and/or program goal). 

Protocol- This is where you put the target's instructions and protocol (only if different from the set/program protocol).  

Phases- This is where you create the phases and configure the rules of phases the target goes through.

In Motivity, there are 4 different Phase Types

  • I Train The phase for targets in skill acquisition. 
  • Assess The phase for targets that are being assessed or tested. 
  • I Track The phase for targets that have no success criteria and are just being observed and tracked (e.g. behavior targets).
  • I Maintain The phase for targets that have been in acquisition and now are on maintenance or generalization schedule.

You can create custom phase types under each of these primary phase types. 

Customize Phase Types. You can also select to create custom phase types that fall under each of these main phase types. For example, you can select Custom (Assess) and create a Baseline or Probe phase. 

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12.23.54

As a target goes through the phases, they will display on the graph with phase change lines. Here are some examples of graphs of targets with phase lists. 

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 12.25.07

Behavior Targets 

Behavior Targets have a default Track Phase and default Count Instrument which graphs Frequency and rate per hour. 


Skill Acquisition 

Skill Acquisition Targets will have a default Train Phase and default to Pass-Fail Instrument which graphs percent correct. 


Uniform Targets

Uniform Targets is a generator that allows you to create many targets at once that all share the same configuration (Phases, SD, Instruments, Mastery Criteria etc.).