Quick Reference Glossary

Motivity Vocabulary

$learner: a reference to a learner. When you use this short cut, it will auto-populate the learners nickname in the text box. It only works in text boxes and not in titles of targets, programs or sets.

$target: a reference to a target. When you use this short cut in the program editor for target, it will auto-populate the name of that target into the data collection interface. This is especially useful if you have multiple targets that would be identical except for the target name appearing in the labels and instructions, allowing you to create one target definition for all the targets using the [Uniform Target Generator] or [Parameters].

Concurrency: The order sets and targets are presented in within a program--including how many sets and targets are presented at once.

Concurrency Constraint: The parameters that control what order sets, targets and phases are presented in.

Count: An instrument that tracks the number of occurrences. The graphs presents the total frequency and the rate.

Countdown Timer: An instrument that includes a count down of a set time (with or without an alarm)

Custom Prompts: An instrument that allows you to set up multiple buttons with custom scores. (e.g. Prompt hierarchy, Yes/No, Custom Buttons) The graph presents the percent correct scores.

Dosage: An option to set a maximum or suggested number of opportunities that will be exercised during a session. 

Duration: An instrument that includes a stopwatch feature that records the amount of time a response occurs. 

Exercise: An option to indicate how targets can be access during a session (e.g., anytime during a session or on an interval). 

Global Parameters:  parameters that are available and linked across programs. Global Parameters allow admins to create frequently used program rules and content and put them in a drop-down menu for efficient program building. Editing a global parameter affects all programs that are linked to that Global Parameter. This allows admin to push program rules and changes across the entire library and learner's programs when needed. Global Parameters are highlighted in orange. 

Goal Description: Text box to put in program goal and sub-goals. There is a field at the program level, set level and target level. Use Program level for Long-term goal, and Set and Target Level for short-term goals and objectives.

Instructions: A written description of instructions to your data collectors that will appear under the measures. 

Instruments: A measurement tool (percent, frequency, prompt hierarchy etc.)

Integer: An instrument that displays data as a whole number.

Key Instruction: A short description or instruction that is displayed under a target (e.g., an SD or MO that must be present)

Labels: Tags you can assign to programs that enables you to filter programs in data collection mode.

Learners: The subjects of data collection. 

Library: A collection of programs

Local Parameters: are parameters saved and linked within a program and only exist in that program or a copy of that program. Editing Local Parameters only affects the targets and phases in the program you are editing. Local Parameters are highlighted in green. 

Mastery: The parameters that define how a target transitions to complete. 

Measure Label: The definition of the behavior, or label of what is being measured by the instrument.

Members: Individuals who have a Motivity account in your organization. 

Opportunity: One instance of behavior or response (e.g. trial or occurrence). 

Opportunity Score: A parameter specifying how each opportunity will be calculated (e.g., automatic, measure scores averaged, summed, etc.) 

Opportunity Outcome: the parameters that define whether an opportunity is a success, failure or indeterminate.

Pass/Fail: an instrument with + and – buttons that displays percent correct in the graph.

Parameters: allow the person building a program to link sections of that program to pre-built rules and content. This allows them to build programs more efficiently and edit sections that are repeated across targets and phases and push all those changes to all targets and phases that are linked to that parameter. 

Protocol: The text box area in the program, set or target for program instructions that display at the bottom of the user interface when opened, during data collection.

Phase: The steps that a target goes through before completion (e.g. Baseline, Teach, Assess, Test, Probe ect.). A phase line will appear on a target graph the date of the transition.

Phase: Train: The phase for targets in skill acquisition.

Phase: Assess: The phase for targets that are being assessed or tested.

Phase: Track: The phase for targets that have no success criteria and are just being observed and tracked.

Phase: Maintain: The phase for targets that have been in acquisition and now are in a maintenance schedule.

Phase: Custom: A phase option for Assess, Train, Track, and Maintain that allows for a custom name of the phase (e.g., Baseline). 

Programs: Container for Goals, sub-goals and targets

Roles: A set of permissions that a group of people have within Motivity.net

Session: A time period that contains programs.

Session Outcome: A parameter that specifies the outcome of the session (successful, fail, or indeterminate). 

Session Type: A place to define what session type the target will live in (Session, Home Session, Community Based Instruction, Speech Session, OT session, etc.).

Session Score: A parameter specifying how the session score will be calculated (e.g., automatic, opportunity success rate, and opportunity scores summed, averaged, etc.) 

Sets: A folder under a program that contains targets and/or sets.

Text: An instrument that collects anecdotal or narrative data.

Target: A final sub-goal under a program or set.

Target Interface: A parameter that includes Key Instructions, Measures & Instructions, and Opportunity Outcome

Uniform Targets: A group of targets with all the same rules and content. The only difference with them is the target name.

Throughout the day: The target does not live in a session type, it can be collected throughout the day. The graph records as rate/day.

Session Outcome: The rules that determine what makes a program/target a success, failure or indeterminate for a session. This includes the Score Calculation and Success criteria.

Transitions: The parameters that define how a target transitions through phases and targets to completion.

Vocabulary: Icon in the library where you can edit, add, or delete labels.


Last Reviewed: 9/8/22