Report Protocol Import

Within Motivity's report templates, it is now possible to import protocols!


Note: A protocol text box exists at the program level, the set level, and the target level. You can choose to import one or all of these into your report.

For example, here is the protocol for the target "Throwing Items." In this case, the clinician has a separate protocol for each behavior target within the Behavior Reduction program:


To set this up, we will need to edit the report template.

"Settings" --> Note Templates --> Select the template of interest:

Within a report template, you can choose to import the program protocol, the set protocol, the target protocol, or any combination of these:

Tip: If in a report you need to include BIP information for each behavior target, it might make sense to keep an updated version of that within the target protocol text box. That way, your treatment plan authorizations can automatically pull that information!