Setting up Maintenance Targets and/or Phases


There are two options for setting up maintenance in the program builder. The first is to create a maintenance phase within the target. This option is ideal for targets that have relatively straightforward teaching steps. For example, if you were teaching colors and using a baseline phase, train phase, and maintenance phase.

The second option is to create a separate maintenance target. This is ideal for programs that require multiple teaching steps that build upon each other. For example, if you are teaching sequencing pictures and teach 3 pictures, then 4 pictures, and then 5 pictures. It would be redundant to have a maintenance phase after each teaching phase. 

1. Setting up a maintenance phase

2. Setting up a maintenance target


Setting up a maintenance phase

  1. Open the program editor.
    • If you are using a template where the maintenance phase is already made, click into the phase to edit it.
  2. If you are creating from scratch or there is no pre-existing maintenance phase: click on "+ Phase" to create a new phase. Change the phase type to "Maintenance" or "Custom Maintenance". 
  3. Set up the maintenance phase rules as you would with other phases. You can set up the target to transition automatically to Completed after a set number of successes and/or move backward to the Train phase if the target fails. Follow these instructions to set this up.
  4. If you want maintenance targets and "in-acquisition" targets to be worked on concurrently, go to the concurrency option at the program level and check the box for "Maintenance targets always available". Repeat this step at the set level too if there is one. 
  5. When in session, it is possible to isolate all of the maintenance targets and have them appear together.  To do this, select the filter icon at the top right corner to filter out targets that are in Maintenance.  You can do this with targets in any phase.   


Setting up maintenance target

  1. If you are using a template, delete any maintenance phases that are built within targets. You can also delete the generalization targets if you do not want/need them.
    • If you are creating a program from scratch, create a separate target by clicking on the "+" option on the program tree and select the kind of target you want. 
  2. Set up the individual maintenance target as you want it. 
  3. For templates that include a maintenance target, it will become available after all previous steps have been mastered. 

Lasted edited: 4/25/2023