Tracking Staff Performance in Motivity

Conducting staff performance and integrity checks is a critical part of training and retaining quality staff as well as improving patient outcomes. You can track staff performance easily in Motivity by using our Staff Performance Checklists in the Motivity Community Library or by creating your own evaluations through the program builder. 

To get started, 


Step 1: Create a “Learner account” for your staff member. 

Step 2: Edit the Learner Profile to indicate that this Learner Type is a Staff. First click on the edit icon in the top right corner (if you don’t see this, you may need to ask your administrator for permission). Then edit learner type to Staff.

Step 3: Assign the staff a staff performance program template from the Motivity Community Library

First, go to Programs and Progress, then click +Program.

Then, click assign from a Library. Go to the Motivity Community Library and click on the Filter icon in the top right corner. Then scroll down and select “Staff Performance.”

Then select the template you want to use for tracking performance or create your own assessment. Then click assign to (staff). 

Once you have assigned a performance checklist, you can fill it out as needed. Make sure you set up permissions so that the appropriate people can edit and see the results, including the staff member that is under evaluation. 

You should add the associated member (the staff you are evaluating) to their own learner team. For example, Jason Billings is a BCBA for my company. He has a member account with BCBA permissions so he can view, and collect data for his learners. He also has a learner account where we track his performance. His member account should be assigned to his learner team so he can see his results and others can't. 


Important: this learner account is different than a member account. A member account can access learner data and take learner data while a learner account has data collected on them. 

TIP: Create a learner label for your staff learners so you can distinguish them from patient learners. 

To ensure that staff doesn't see each other's feedback, you will need to make sure the roles staff are assigned to have View Data as "if on team" and then only assign their member account to their team. 


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