Y-Axis Options

There are three options for the percent correct y-axis on graphs. 

1. Auto 

The "Auto" option adjusts the y-axis to start at the lowest data point in your data set and end at the highest point + one row. 

For example, in the picture below the data ranges from 0%-50%. The y-axis in auto starts at 0% and goes to 50% with an extra row above. 

2. 0-Auto 

The "0-Auto" option will adjust the y-axis to start at zero and end at the highest point + one row. 

For example, in the picture below the data ranges from 33% -100%. In 0-Auto the y-axis will start at zero and end at 100% with and extra row above. 

3. 0-100

The "0-100" option will adjust the y-axis to start at zero and end at 100. 

For example, in the picture below the data ranges from 33% -100%. In 0-100, the y-axis will start at zero and end at 100% with no extra rows. 

If you do not manually select an option, the graph will default to the 0-100 option. 

Last Updated: 8/10/23