Adding Custom Fields to Session Information Export

Motivity has an export tool that allows you to download various types of reports.  This includes a report that shows session note information from a determined time frame.  Exporting your data will generate a CSV (Comma-separated Value) file. This is a lightweight, text-based file that can be opened in Excel. 

Most imported fields will automatically export when you use this option.  However, if you would like other pieces of information to be included in future exports, you must indicate that by adding the field to your session note template and selecting the "Export " checkbox.

To access this:

  • open up your session note template editor
  • click on a field you want included in your export
  • select the "Export" checkbox found at the bottom of the middle column
  • type a label name on the text line for "Export Label"
    • this will be the column header for this field on the Excel spreadsheet (note the example in the screenshots below).


For more detailed information on Exporting Data, please refer to our Motivity Help Article here: 

Exporting Data (Session Note Reports, Session Reports, Learner Data)