Adding Events/ Variable lines to graphs



This article will review how to add events to your graph and timeline. 

An event line is different than a phase line. Phases are hardcoded or proactively planned in the program builder as phases or conditions that a target goes through and are planned out (e.g. Baseline, Intervention, Probe, With Prompts, Without Prompts etc). 

For more information on the difference between event lines and condition lines/phase lines, refer to this article: Event Lines vs. Phase/Condition Lines


What are Events in Motivity?

Events are added to a graph as events occur or after they occur. These are extraneous events that can have an impact on the behaviors or rate of learning (e.g. medication changes, life events, environmental changes, team changes). 


How to add Events to graphs and learner's timeline

Add an event to a program by going to a graph that you would like to add the event to. Click on the +Event icon in the top right corner. 

You will see a "+Event" popup.

  • Fill out the Label (this is what will be displayed on the event line). 
  • Select a line for a single event that affects all data moving forward. 
  • Select Region for an event that affects a region of time (e.g. Therapist Sub) 
  • Choose the color of the line. The line will show up as dashed. 
  • Select which programs you want the event to display. You can only select programs and not targets. The event will show up on all targets in that program. 
  • Notes will show up when you hover over the event line on the graph.

Adding events will add a line to your graphs but also an event to your learner's timeline. The event will show up like this in the timeline. You can also add events directly to the timeline in the top right corner "+Event" icon. 

Editing and Deleting Events

To edit or delete the events, you will need to locate the event in the timeline. Select the event you want to edit or delete and then click on the icons in the top right corner. 

Last Reviewed: 9/7/22