Reports Target Import Configuration

Within reports, target imports can be set up to pull in targets that were run during the report's date range. You can configure which types of targets should be pulled into each section, how you would like these targets organized, and what other program/target information and fields you would like to include in that section of the report.

Reports can have multiple target import fields. For example, Motivity’s treatment plan reauthorization template has 3 target import sections, designed to organize the targets run based on the target type (behavior or skill acquisition) and whether the target is in progress or was mastered.  

In this article, we will review the configurations for target imports.

To follow along, navigate to the Treatment Plan Reauthorization template, and click the “Targets” field underneath “Behavior Reduction Goals.” This opens up the target import configurations in the middle panel. We will walk through each setting.


Include Programs

This setting determines which types of programs will be pulled into the section based on phase types (i.e. whether the program has a track/train phase). The default for this section is to include only Behavior Reduction programs, or programs with a track phase. 

Group by Domain

If this box is selected, programs will be grouped by the domain assigned to them. Domains are listed in alphabetical order.


Group by Subdomain

If this box is selected, programs will be grouped by the sub-domain assigned to them. Sub-domains are listed in alphabetical order under each domain. 

Show Program Information

Checking this box will group targets by their program. The program name will show above all targets within that program. 

Program Goal Description Import

The goal description from each program will be imported into the report if this box is checked.

Cumulative Chart Field

Creates a placeholder for a cumulative chart for targets for the whole program. The cumulative chart will not generate automatically with these current settings, but can be inserted into reports later on using "Show/Hide." 

Note: Choosing not to have charts display automatically reduces the time it takes for reports to generate and load; however, you can choose to have charts load automatically by checking "Load and generate charts automatically" 

There are additional configurations you can set for the cumulative chart (See “Chart Settings”), but because “allow override” is selected, these settings can be adjusted for each graph, and for each report.

Show Set Information
Targets will be organized by sets (folder icons within the program)

Set Goal Description

You can select to have the set goal imported into the report

(Set) Cumulative Chart

Creates a placeholder for a cumulative chart for targets within the set. The cumulative chart will not generate automatically but can be inserted into the report later on. There are additional configurations you can set for the cumulative chart, but because “allow override” is selected, these settings can be adjusted for each graph, and for each report.

Show Target Information

Here, you can choose which target states and phases to include. This particular import is currently configured to pull in only targets that are in a “track” phase, as these are typically your behavior reduction targets.

Date of Introduction

To show the date of baseline and date of intervention we have two fields. The first automatically imports the first date of baseline for each target, and the second imports the first date of track (which represents when the intervention began)

For both, the title (wording in your report), and phase type can be edited. If this information is not needed for your report you can delete these fields.

Target Chart
Creates a graph of each target within the program. The charts for behavior reduction targets will generate automatically when creating a report with the default settings, but charts can be hidden on an individual basis after creating the report if they are not needed or wanted. There are additional configurations you can set for the target chart, but because “allow override” is selected, these settings can be adjusted for each graph, and for each report.

Drop-Down for Goal Status

There is a drop-down to choose a goal status for each behavior goal. These options can be edited, or deleted, or you can add your own.

Text Box

Intended for a narrative summary. You can delete this if it is not a necessary component of your report. 

Now that you understand the target import configurations for the behavior reduction, you can navigate to the skill acquisition goals in progress and skill acquisition mastered goals sections to make any desired changes within those sections. All report target imports behave the same way and have the same options for settings.


Tip: In this article, we will walk through how to import a protocol into your report.