Aloha Integration FAQs

Frequently Asked Aloha Integration Questions


Why can't I see the integration setting?

If you are unable to see "Clinical Integrations" in Aloha or "Integrations" in Motivity, that indicates that your role does not have permission to view or manage the integration.  If this is an error, reach out to your organization's administrator.  They can change permission settings for you.  If you are the organization's administrator, you will need to turn on the integration permission in both Aloha and Motivity.  Here is an article on how to change permissions in Motivity and here is an article on how to find permissions in Aloha. 


Should I integrate my Motivity CSC?

You will see your Motivity CSC in your Member's list for your integration.  There is no need to integrate their profile with your Aloha ABA account.  


Why can't I see the session notes tab on my appointments in Aloha?

The inability to see the session notes tab in Aloha is due to permissions.  You or your admin needs to alter the permissions of your role to make this tab visible.  This can be found under the Schedule permissions.  Reach out to your Aloha rep for assistance.


My session note is not attached to the appointment.

Session notes might not be attached to an appointment due to a staff member not selecting their appointment when creating a note.  To fix this, they can link that note to their appointment.  To link, simply click the "Link Appt" icon at the top of the screen. 

You will only see the "Link Appt" icon if the note is unsigned.  If you do not see the icon, unsign the note.  Now the icon will be visible.

To learn more about linking and unlinking notes read this article here.


Why are my learners or staff not syncing?

There are several things to check if you click on a learner or staff in the "Not Linked Motivity" category and do not see a linkable name card.

  • Does a corresponding profile exist for that individual in Aloha ABA?
  • Does the name spelling match across both systems?
  • Are the first and last names capitalized correctly?

If you answered "yes" to all these questions and still have issues syncing a profile, please contact both Motivity and Aloha ABA at and respectively. 


My note is linked in Motivity.  Why don't I see it linked in Aloha?

If you see that your note is linked in Motivity, but don't see the URL in Aloha, then you might have a duplicate appointment.  

To check this, go to your learner's appointment card on their dashboard.  Change the calendar view to the date in question.  If there are two duplicate appointments, then you accidentally linked your note to the duplicate.  

To fix this, contact Aloha ABA at giving them the learner name, staff name, and date and time of the appointment.  They will instruct you on how to remove the duplicate.  Once the duplicate is deleted, your note will display a red X icon.  This indicates that your note is linked to a deleted appointment.  To link to the correct appointment, unsign your note, re-link, and then re-sign.


Last Updated: 5/01/24