Opportunity Outcome - Score and Usage Rules

When creating advanced rules for your opportunity outcome, you will see the option to create either a "Score Rule" or a "Usage Rule"


Score Rule 

This option allows you to create a rule based on the score of the measure(s) in your program. This is a rule based on performance. For example, in the program below, the opportunity will be considered successful if the average instrument score is 100. 



You can create rules for successful, failed, or indeterminate opportunities based on instrument scores. 


Usage Rule

This option allows you to create a rule based on the number of measures that are or are not filled in during an opportunity. For example, if creating a task analysis program with 5 steps (instruments), the usage rule would score an opportunity as indeterminate if at most 2 of the steps (instruments) are competed. 

Combining these two rule types can create a powerful opportunity outcome. To learn how to combine them, refer to these articles: 

Creating Programs with Multiple Instruments (Task Analysis Example)

Creating a Program with Multiple Instruments (PEAK Example)