Preparing Your Organization to Utilize Reports

To prepare to utilize Motivity's report feature, we recommend you complete the following steps as an organization.

1. Ensure your member profiles are filled out. This includes demographic information as well as any necessary information about clinicians' credentials, licenses, NPI, etc.

2. Ensure your learner profiles are filled out. This includes demographic information as well as the “Background” section which will automatically import into reports.

3. Ensure your learners' programs all have a goal description. This imports into reports, so make sure it does not include any extraneous information that you would not like to pull into your report. 

4. Assign domains to each of your learner's programs.

Navigate to the program, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner, click "Domains" and select which domain and/or sub-domain you would like to assign to the program. Each program can be assigned either a domain or a domain/sub-domain.


5. Assign your clinicians to take the Thinkific Reports Training for Clinicians.