Creating a Phase List

This article describes how to create a phase list for a target. 


In Motivity, there are 4 different Phase Types

  • Track
  • Assess
  • Train
  • Maintain

You can use these phase types to create custom phases and custom phase lists that your target(s) go through. The target(s) can go through phases linearly (one after another) or the target(s) can jump in and out of phases (e.g. Test- Teach- Test) by setting up Transition rules. 

The target can go through as many phases as you like. 

Create phases and custom phases by clicking on "+Phase" or by cloning a current phase. A Skill Target and Uniform Target will have a Train Phase already populated. A Behavior Target will already have Track Phase already populated.  

Each phase has it's own Target Interface, Opportunity Outcome, Session Outcome, and Transition Rules

As a target goes through the phases, they will display on the graph with phase change lines. Here are some examples of graphs of targets with phase lists. 

Last Reviewed: 9/8/22